My story of job loss at age 50
Having suffered a job loss at the pinnacle of my academic and professional achievements, I realize no one is immune to it. I would have never imagined how deeply I could be impacted emotionally and psychologically.
In the spring of 2015 I had completed my PhD in the field of Technology Enhanced Teaching & Learning and E-Research at one of the top Universities in the world (Lancaster University, UK), signed a publishing deal with the highly regarded academic publisher Springer publishing, was awarded the Canadian Association for Teacher Education Award for Excellence in Research, and was given the Nipissing University Distinguished Alumni Award. Within this same time period I was driving to work and heard on the radio I had lost my job due to financial cutbacks.
At age 50, and with two young children at home I had sacrificed both financially and emotionally in order to bring the specialized level of expertise required by the University. Ironically, over the next three years I had to use my own award winning research and expertise in the field of resiliency in order to just survive as I battled deep depression, guilt, anger, and resentment. I began to have seizures, died on a cat scan table and had screened positive for colon cancer! In the end, I can testify that anger, resentment, bitterness, and depression eats you from the inside out.
To Cope Or Not To Cope?
The question for many has became, ‘To cope or not to cope’?
Using my very ironic and compelling personal story of resilience, I will share the steps for how I was able to ‘overcome and not be overcome’ by my circumstances.
These steps will be connected to some of the award winning research on resiliency found in my book, Mandate To Be Great! I offer both personal and group ‘inspiration as innovation’ mentorship sessions. These sessions have been very well received by those who attend them. They are customizable and are designed to support the specific needs of the individuals and groups I work with.

Workshops and Mentorship for Military and Police Services
Having had the opportunity to play hockey at the Royal Military College in Kingston Ontario, and having served in the Canadian Armed Forces for a brief period of time, I am respectful of the commitment, sacrifices and challenges our military personal make on a daily basis. Having recently served on the Canadian Forces Base Military Family Resource Centre Board of Directors, this was made even more apparent.
The research is abundant and shows that our military service and police forces share many stress-related issues. Psychological stressors related to exposure to horrific scenes of death and injury are common in both professions. Emotional regulation and substance abuse issues as the result of job related stress and trauma are also frequently recognized in both military and police professions.
Helping police officers and military personnel ‘overcome and not be overcome’ by the challenges that regularly confront them on a daily basis is something many agencies struggle to provide. Finding a way to effectively support them has the power to enhance their quality of life and overall enjoyment of the profession.
I offer an engaging and inspiring training session entitled: 5-Steps To Post-Traumatic Growth. This can be offered as a onetime work shop or a series of ‘mentorship’ sessions. All are based on my award winning research on resiliency and infused with, and connected to, my personal experiences.